Pole Fitness

Teghann on a pole demonstrating a sneaky V in red boots in front of a grey curtain.
Photo taken at Acrofit

In pole fitness classes, you will learn a variety of tricks. In intro/beginner classes, you will learn spins, sits, climbs, and other foundational skills. By the end of your beginner level (approximately 3-4 months) you’ll be able to confidently climb the pole, go upside down, and hold yourself on the pole in a number of positions.

Teghann posing in an Allegasus on the pole with red boots and grey curtain
Photo taken at Acrofit

At the intermediate level, you will further your education by learning inverted tricks, transitions, and drops. And at the advanced and higher levels, you will practice flips and flexibility tricks, and put your strength to the test by holding yourself in gravity-defying positions. These classes are a great way to learn about pole, build strength, and improve your pole performance.

Pole Choreo

Teghann demonstrating a pole choreo to a class of students
Photo by Matt Mayer at Acrofit

Pole choreo is a great class for everyone from beginner–advanced (choreo could even be your first ever class!). In these classes you’ll learn a full routine and practice it repeatedly. Pole choreo is a great addition to regular pole fitness classes as it will help you begin to piece together what you’ve learned in those classes and prepare you for creating your own routines. These classes focus largely on floor work, spins, and occasionally sits and climbs. Teghann makes these routines accessible for all ability levels by including modifications for any harder movements. Students always say that choreo is their favourite class of the week as it is fun, challenging, and inspiring.

In intermediate/advanced pole choreo, you will still be flowing through a fun and beautiful routine. But now, the focus will be less on floor work and more on tricks on the pole. You’ll practice more difficult combos and transitions on the pole while learning a full routine every class.